Saturday, June 2, 2012

Monday, March 12

The plan for today was simple: wake up incredibly early to sit in the blind and wait for skulkers to make an appearance and then return with Ben to the area we birded the day before, but earlier in the morning when the skies tend to be clear. The first part of the plan was moderately successful. I waited in the damp darkness (or was it the dark dampness?) and eventually a Streak-capped Treehunter and a White-throated Quail Dove appeared. On the walk back to the lodge for breakfast, I also caught a quick look and terrible photo of a Uniform Antshrike.

While the weather largely cooperated with the second part of the plan, the birds did not. We largely struck out except for a good view of a Gorgeted Sunangel. Pushing farther than the day before, we did locate a Greater Pewee perched atop a tree and a small flock of Grass-green Tanager on the walk back to the car.

I definitely wanted to return to Quito before it got dark, but the birds were quite active back at the lodge. I got improved shots of numerous birds, but also scored a number of new finds including Western Emerald, Black-capped Tanager, Black-winged Saltator, White-tailed Tyrannulet and Cinnamon Becard.

Western Emerald (all green hummingbird at rear)

Cinnamon Becard

The ride back was uneventful, with several stops to poke around spots near the river. I survived Quito weekday traffic with only one missed turn that sent me all the way into Old Town. The car got returned and I found a hotel near the airport for my flight to Guayaquil the next morning.

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