A breakfast of French toast was ready at 6:15am and I was birding by 7. I walked the road towards Apa-Apa Reserve, casually birding along the way. I was told the walk would be 45 minutes, but as with all birding, it probably took closer to 2 hours. The road netted Crested and Dusky-green Oropendola, Purplish Jay and Sparkling Violetear. Reaching the trail just after a wooden sign post, this section was mostly open, yielding Streak-throated Flycatcher, Blue-capped Tanager, Slate-throated Whitestart, Strong-billed Woodcreeper, and Marble-faced Bristle Tyrant. Moving into the forest proper produced Yungas Manakin, Grass-green Tanager, Bolivian Brush-Finch (previously conspecific with Rufous-naped Brush-Finch), Cinnamon Flycatcher, Three-striped Warbler, Tropical Parula and Azara's Spinetail.
The trail descended into the valley, eventually crossing the river. This was just an amazingly beautiful spot, which if dry and mosquito-free, I would have gladly sat and enjoyed for hours. As it was, I found a Spotted Barbtail. The walk back yielded many of the same species, but a Short-tailed Hawk passed overhead and a flock of Plumbeous Pigeon filled the tops of one tree.
Taking my boots and socks off, I noticed little red bumps along my ankles. Chiggers, I thought. I had heard they lived in the high grass that you tramp through in spots along the trail. I know there are chiggers in Texas who will bury into your skin, usually in areas that are dark, wet and pressed by clothing. I had largely avoided their nuisance back home, but seemed to be striking both along my sock lines and around my waist. I was given some rubbing alcohol to put on the bites
Dinner was marred by an obnoxious Canadian who showed up with two bird guides (actually people, not books). At one point he may have been an independent traveler who generally roughed it. Now, he is a douche. He asked, “Don’t you find that the 300mm just isn’t enough sometimes. I feel like it just isn’t enough. My 600mm is really what brings me close to the birds.” For those not aware, his 600mm lens costs in the neighborhood of $8000. Fuck him. Also, he spoke no Spanish and seemed to revel in that ignorance. Fuck him again.
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